so pants my soul for
you, O God.
My soul thirsts for
for the living
When shall I come and
appear before God?" - Psalm 42:1-2
In this Psalm the
author likens his soul's thirsting for God to that of a deer panting for
life-giving water. This is because a
deer, when fleeing from an adversary becomes quickly hot, stressed and
fatigued. Since it has fur it is unable
to be cooled by sweating and instead begins panting in an effort to cool its
body. This is just like a dog which also
pants for the same reasons. Have you
ever seen a heavily panting dog drink?
Disgusting right? Does the dog
exercise self-control in order to drink in a more dignified and civilized
manor? No! The dog laps water as if his life depends on
it because really it does. If the dog is
unable to refresh and cool himself he will get heat exhaustion and die. In the
same way we must recognize that apart from God we will certainly collapse and
die. As it is written,
and gather to himself
his spirit and his breath,
all flesh would perish
and man would return
to dust." (Job 34:14-15)
"When you hide
your face, they are terrified; when you take away their breath, they die and
return to the dust." (Psalm 104:29)
How then are we to
keep God's breath and spirit from departing from our bodies? We must continually refresh our bodies by
sleep and sustenance especially water.
Our bodies are so dependent upon water that our lives should be
considered directly linked to water.
Especially in the middle-east where this Psalm was written all creatures
know this one equation best:
If then water is life
and God is as water for our souls then God is life and we must drink of his
Spirit in order to refresh our souls.
So then what keeps you
from pursuing the Living God? Is he not
worth ANY cost? Will you let your
prideful heart rob you of this true life?
If you would drink to save your body will not drink to save your eternal
soul? To hell with your stubborn pride!
Who cares what others may think?
This water of the Holy Spirit is valuable beyond any price. Should you work your whole life to get only
one drink of this life-giving it would be a small price to pay for such an
incredible eternal salvation. And yet
you could not afford this water so God gave up his only son Jesus, the Christ
to pay the price for you. And so now you
look upon the eternal well-spring of life which is offered freely for you on
his behalf. All you have to do is
drink. "Taste and see that the LORD
is good!" (Psalm 34:8) He will not make you drink. Though it is totally free and beyond price
you are not forced to swallow this refreshing and life-giving water. But how can you escape eternal doom and
torment if you neglect such a great opportunity? How will you escape if you neglect such a
great salvation?
I know it is
scary. I know others have lied and told
you that the waters are poison. But even if this drink should cost you your
life it will only mark the beginning of your true life with him.
So drop your pride,
bend you knees, lift up your face and say, "God I need you. Please come into me and fill me and give me
this life that comes only from you. For
this I would pay any price but since I cannot pay I accept Jesus'
sacrifice. Thank you. . .
Mr. Snyder
- Sunday, August 26, 2012