Amazing Fruition

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Earlier this year as I wrote about a city-wide youth rally I seemed to be the only one who believed that it could happen.  Yet in two weeks God is going to make it happen.  Young Catholics, Lutherans, Pentecostals, Charismatics, Baptists and others are coming together to praise God with one voice and in one spirit.

A few months ago even an elder thought that the Bible study at the High School would fall apart or be stopped.  Now God has opened the door that I should have the honor of preaching at the graduation service in a Catholic Church.  The church is supposed to be "crazy full" and it is going to be happening this Saturday.  I've also been selected to be the main preacher at the Youth Rally.  It reminds me of the verse:

"And no one takes this honor on himself, but he receives it when called by God, just as Aaron was."
- Hebrews 5:4

Two excellent oppertunities in the next eight days to tell hundreds about the glories of Christ.  Great oppertunities but also the weight of resonsiblity is hanging somewhat heavily on me.  I am not afraid because I have nothing to lose but I do concern myself hoping that Christ would be glorified in all my speech and confirmed in the hearts of the hearers through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Beyond all this there is the great blessing of our third child Elijah.  I am so happy to welcome him to our family but I know my thoughts are divided and that we are also suffering attacks on our thoughts and our relationships so as to discourage us from taking full advantange of the good things God has laid before us.  At the moment my inlaws are also living with us to help with the baby which is not always so simple.  So as I have been praying that words might be given me and that we might be relieved of our anxiety.  To these ends and beyond I decided to write this update and reminder to you our faithful family in Christ that you might aid us in a great victory for the name and glory of God in Lippstadt.

What greater battle can there be than for the hearts and minds of the next generation?  These next two weeks could prove to be a decisive battle in the ongoing struggle.  Therefore I ask for a few minutes of intercession on our behalf and on behalf of the city that hearts would be opened to hear the word and that many disciples would be made who would make more disciples.  Also please ask for an easing of the language barrier and that the right words would be spoken.  We thank you and love you.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirits,
- Aaron

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