The Modern Man's Bible - The Domesticated Kitty Cat

Monday, August 26, 2013

In most people's understanding the Bible has become like a house cat.  Soft and fluffy it has a sleepy sort of calming presence.  It is seldom interacted with but is still seen as a source of comfort in hard times.  Tame, domesticated and far from dangerous.  This is the modern man's Bible - quaint sayings and inspiring quotes from ancient men.

It has taken generations to domesticate the Bible's raw and intense power down to a cute, harmless package.  Libraries of books have been written in order to explain away its miracles and dull the edge of its blade.  People have succeeded in making the Bible "safe" through volumes of what is often given the elitist title higher historical criticism.

Anyone who comes to the Bible thinking it to only be of, by and for men has already cut it from its source of power and should not be surprised when the stories to them appear to be only quaint utterances of ancient men.  But when one approaches the Bible with even the suspicion that there could be a God in heaven who would want to speak through this book then it begins to come alive.  To the extent that one supposes that such a God may be pleased to use such a means to echo his unchanging truth that person will hear His voice. 

The word of God in its true form is not a house cat but a lion!  If one takes hold of it with a pure mind he will have the greatest struggle of his life.  If he perseveres in his struggle and swallows the truth then it will cut open his heart and enter him.  From within the strength and courage of the lion will empower him in every move that is in harmony with the Word.  But when he loses step with the truth the lion will resist him.  In this way the Word is a two edged sword.

Are you brave enough to approach with an open mind to consider whether its passages are true?  Do you have the strength to endure when the implications are weighty?  Do you have the humility to admit where you have been wrong and He has been right?  Do you have the wisdom to submit yourself to one stronger than you?  Are you man enough for true love?  Or do you just want to play house and approach life like a meaningless game?

That lion will sleep harmlessly on your coffee table or your bookshelf as long as you don't touch it.  But if you take hold of it you will find exactly what you need because "In His presence is fullness of joy and at his right hand are pleasures forevermore." - Psalm 16:11

Take on the lion. . .

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