First Update

Friday, February 01, 2013

Thanks: Good friends here and in the states, God's kindness and trustworthiness

Prayer: Language, visas, hearts, minds, hands and a whole lot of love

Rolf, Regina and many others are so happy for our arrival.  They said that they have been praying for helpers for 7 years!  It is so amazing that we can be called God's answer to prayer.  Thus far we moved in to Rolf's place and have journeyed downtown to see the church and the city.  We have already been registered, approved for health care and now have a German bank account.  All this is in thanks to God and to his servant Rolf, who has spent so many hours preparing, organizing and overseeing all of these things.  We are so thankful for him and hope that he will continue to have reasons to thank God on account of us and all those who are helping us!

The only snag thus far is with the visas.  The immigration officer is not satisfied with our bank account and wants to see more money in the account if he is to give us a visa to work at the church.  We have an appointment for next Friday to be reviewed.  I am concerned but I take courage in remembering what God has done for us in Christ Jesus.  If he has already done so much for us and if he really wants us here won't he make a way for us?  Indeed, he will provide a way even if its not as we think it should be.  Acts 16 is such a lesson in faithfulness to a call despite opposing circumstances and we have also such a beautiful promise in Isaiah 40:11:

 "He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young."

I pray that I can be like him and prosper under his care so that I can learn to do the same for others.  Please join me in lifting up Lippstadt through prayer and service so that there might be a great reward to be shared among us all to the ever increasing glory of God.  Amen. 

I thank God for you all,


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