Update: Visa Meeting Tomorrow!!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Due to misinformation given to us by the professionals at the insurance office it appears that we cannot be insured until I am officially 'hired' by the church.  The nice visa-man however was kind enough to understand the situation and move our appeal for visas up about a month and Pastor Rolf is now going to hire me a month sooner to span the gap.  All of this I find to be very good as it will get us out from under the shadow of our appeal but it does mean that we will have to appeal TOMORROW morning - Monday the 25th.  While I expect it to go well I will not refuse any prayer over the process and for how to proceed afterward (whether to put something in the local paper or something about becoming the assistant pastor or what to do).  If anyone reading this comes up with helpful ideas let us know.

Besides this it seems that the process of making repairs to our future apartment is going very well and quickly.  Amy is delighting herself in imaging how to decorate the apartment since we have been bouncing around the last six months without anywhere to call our own.  She is quite pleased with the idea :).  I have been looking at the area as I plan, plot and pray my way into an attack strategy.  Also the church here seems to be doing well and is energized by the excitement of a steady stream of newcomers.  Pray for Pastor Rolf and the Elder as they are struggling under the weight of their secular work and the church work.

Thank you so much,

Aaron Snyder

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