Countdown// Downsize// Outreach// Update

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

baby snyder number 2 is due in 2 weeks!
though this past week I've had at least two "here we go!" experiences..
unfortunately after having contractions at regular intervals for a few hours,
they eased up and no baby has come yet.
my last exam i was 2-3cm dilated and 50% effaced
my baby bulge is mostly below my belly button now,
so clearly he has swam south, or "dropped"
we are getting so excited to meet him;
this waiting thing is getting hard! 
the ultrasound this weekend projected his weight to be about 7.5lbs
he's head down, and healthy.
i've gained about 18lbs and am feeling very good in the final stretch.
peyton is doing well, pray for the transition from a family of 3-4 people.
we are so excited and know peyti's going to be a great big sister!!

the english service seems to be coming quickly into a new season
we are now moving to a home group setting due to decline in numbers.
there are some who drop by to visit every so often,
and then many regulars were only in lippstadt for a short while 
and have now left again to go back home.
others have work, school, prior commitments or relocation,
basically it's a transitional time for us.
we are praying to get some good contacts with the students at the university in town
once the fall semester begins.

please join us in prayer as we would love to meet and reach out to more young families.
we're the only couple with babies in the church,
there are 4 children who attend regularly but they're older.

aaron is playing basketball 2-3 weekly with the local team
and seems to really enjoy it.
he's been able to have real deep discussions with many of the guys on the team,
pray that God uses him as light and salt there. 

it's really amazing how God provides for all our needs and more
people we've never even met have given us:
money, baby clothes, toys, furniture, appliances etc.
considering we arrived with 4 suitcases to our name, 
its crazy to think we have a whole house full of stuff!

we are more than blessed.
we are beyond thankful.
and it is such a blessing to have
 the continued support and prayer from you as well.
we can't express enough thanks,
and we are excited to what the future holds.

for all of you wondering..
yes, a trip is being planned to visit this fall,
details are still being sorted out
as to whether both california and ohio will be visited,
but we will keep you all posted.
pray for good flights, seats, and prices

thanks for checking in,
stay tuned for the arrival of little mr. snyder!

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