Summer Update

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

God has been so merciful in opening doors before us.  Here are a few recent happenings.
Germanizing: I took my first German test to see where I stand and according to it I am at C1 (level 5 of 6) that is technically good enough to study at German Universities (which are free fyi). 
High School Campus Bible Study: We are catching a view snags in the stereotypically difficult German permission process.  Despite much effort from our friends inside the schools the group still has to be written off by the religious faculty.  Yes, in Germany public schools religion classes are mandatory like math and science.  Unfortunately, as it was with the religious Jews in Paul’s day many of these teachers of the law are themselves unconverted and oppose the teaching of "radicals” who believe the Bible.  However it was also so that many Pharisees were honest seekers and turned to the truth (though they were afraid to do so before the others).
  What kind of teachers these are I do not know.  I hope they view us favorably but regardless of what they do I know that God has favored us because through this process I have heard that students in another school in the city have been stirred up by the faith of Fredrick and his friend and they too are asking to have the chance to have a Prayer and Study group.
Pray that these young people, especially those from believing households, learn to sink roots down into the streams of living waters becoming like well rooted oaks of righteousness.  If the Christians are strengthened, challenged, encouraged, rebuked and above all loved on then they will bear good fruit as they learn to abide and grow in Christ Jesus.
Ask Him also that I and others would be ready to receive the many needy students in loving relationship and discipleship.
College Groups: A new Technical College has just been opened in Lippstadt.  Students have been attending since last fall.  The Christian Student group has been very slow in starting but is gaining momentum.  The core is small but even in the midst of business the devil has not been able to extinguish it.  If all goes well we will receive a room next month on campus to conduct Bible Study and Campus outreach.  At the same time I am leading CCLP’s young adult group and would love to see both groups get connected.
Allied Outreaches: Our fellowship is preparing to do some Open-air services and baptisms but God is also leading me to young men from other denominations who have a hunger to witness but aren’t sure how to go about it.  We are beginning to meet and pray to ask God how he wants to use us.  Pray please for us to connect with other hungry hearts and meet the city with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Amy making disciples: Difficult relationship building with other mothers and younger women in the area is paying off as she is getting more opportunities now for discipleship than ever before.
Finally there will also be a regional pastors conference in our facilities in Lippstadt this August.  They are sweet times that require pray and effort to function well.
We thank God for all your love, support and prayers,
The Snyders

support: #1154

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