Result of Evangelism Course

Friday, October 24, 2014

                “When it rains it pours” and I don’t mean that in a metaphorical sense this time.  It was literally pouring freezing rain last night as we went out to reach out for the conclusion of our three week Evangelism Course.  It was hard trying to find people ready to talk in the miserable weather.  There were a few people who we found and we got to have a really good conversation with a Canadian Solider in a local Café but it was certainly nothing like I had expected or hoped.  The good news is that the young people who came proved their commitment but sticking out a tough night of fishing.  I see in these young people great dedication, desire and also wisdom in which they were able to suggest some ways in which I could be more effective in Evangelism (like not forgetting to introduce myself first).
                Their desire to serve God has not been dampered.  Every greenhorn on a fishing boat gets paid regardless of whether fish are caught or not.  I know that their time will be rewarded by our father in heaven.  As they have all voiced desires to continue to grow in wisdom and skill in Evangelism.  I believe that we will continue to learn from each other.  These young people will definitely make an incredible long term impact on this community, especially as they encourage and spur on one another.

                Please pray that we continue to meet and that these young people get to see some good fruit from their labors that they might be spurred on all the more out of love.  Also please pray for the Bible study starting up at the high school I believe that God desires to use it to reach many young people. 

                As for the conversation in the café, we described the heart of the Gospel in the substitutionary atonement with a parable of an officer substituting himself for a solider under the condemnation of death for desertion.  As we said “the MP looks at your new ID with all his merits on it the MP says to you ‘you’ve done nothing wrong I cant hold you here you are free to go.”  The man was visibly moved.  Whether by the memory of his fallen officer or by the truth of the message it is hard to tell but either way this tatted up solider was confronted uncomfortable truths and we can hope that it has place a ‘rock in his shoe’ to think about.

We had one other extrodinary conversation but lets face it people dont read long posts so I'll post it in a day or so.

Grace and Peace,


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