it's snowing, well... almost

Thursday, December 06, 2012

coffee filters

these are so fun and easy to make
a great activity for adults 
and especially one to include the kids on!

what you'll need:

coffee filters of any size
-i prefer the bigger the better :)

a pair of scissors

for garland: you can use fishing line// hemp string// or another type of your choosing

 the nice thing is that because of their thin, light weight, 
you can string them from very thin thread with no problems
- my paper ones needed thicker string -

1) fold your coffee filter in half
then into half again
and once more

2) next cut out desired shape

3) unfold and hang gladly all around the whole house!

- - - - -  for garland- - - - -
thread your needle with clear thread
then thread it through the snowflakes
and hang, double-sided tape worked great for me
but you can also knot the end, and tack it to the wall

have fun making up your own
snowflake shapes..

just like in real life;
no two are the same

these have made our home feel 
much more cheery since we don't
really get snow in southern california..


-mrs. s  

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