we are pilgrims

Sunday, December 16, 2012

    But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God’s OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; for you once were NOT A PEOPLE, but now you are THE PEOPLE OF GOD; you had NOT RECEIVED MERCY, but now you have RECEIVED MERCY.  Beloved, I urge you as pilgrims and strangers to abstain from fleshly lusts which wage war against the soul.

the Bible says:
we are sojourners, pilgrims, 
aliens, not of this world

and oh, how the Lord likes to reinforce this 
truth to us snyders..

track back with me awhile to when we first got married.
we honeymooned for one month. 
in that month we visited california
3 locations in ohio
and also florida
then we were living in germany for 3 months
and we moved 4 times, 
and i was pregnant with severe morning sickness.
in the past 1.5 years we've moved 3 times;
though we had our own apartment for over one year.
and now, we are on the move again.
potentially in the next six months 
we will move/ or relocate for more than a few weeks
over SIX times.

not gonna lie, 
that totally makes me nervous.

how will baby P react?
will the time fly by?
will it seem to never end?

i already miss having my own place,
thankfully with all the travelling we won't be with any one family 
or person for an extended time.

BUT, God in all His goodness;
has given us hope by revealing to us our (hopefully)
future apartment.. 

here's a sneak peek, 
it's going to be renovated,
 but i love it even in its current state

 green bathroom!!
 view #1
 our future suite :)
 our room from hallway
 view from stair well of yard
 the stairwell

and another view :)  
my favorite

so in our little apartment, we will have:
2 bedrooms
1 bath
1 living room
1 kitchen
1 kitchen/dining nook 

and we found out today that our fundraising totals have dropped!!

we now only need to raise about $450/month
woot woot

the point is, is that I know God will provide for all our needs.
we already have an apartment selected for us.
Aaron has a job.
and most of all, we've been called by God. 
so yes we are sojourners, and pilgrims
but the Lord has been so faithful.
I have really been encouraged by the verse 
"where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
and because of the consolidation/liquidation process
we don't really have any possessions to our name...
sooo let's just say, the Lord's making it pretty easy
 to not have our heart set on the things here on earth.
not easy in the sense of... "la la la this is sooo easy!" 
but in the sense of, 
practically we cannot keep the things we've acquired
and peace/trust knowing God will provide for all our needs
just like He did when we moved back from Germany last time.
it's an amazing adventure. 

thanks for reading,
mrs. snyder

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