Renewed. Refreshed. Rekindled.

Saturday, December 01, 2012

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keeps the law, happy is he.
-proverbs 29:18

two months ago we were like people without vision, at least without a  
long-term/passion-filled/Lord-leading/heart-stirring vision. 

but then, we attended the Calvary Chapel Church Planting Conference.
the one we'd been waiting for
the one we'd stayed in california to attend
the one that we hope would give answers to our questions

and it was

better than we could of hoped.

the speakers were great
the location was amazing
there was great food, fellowship,
and focus.

it was at this conference that we met, Pastor Rolf
he's from Lippstadt, Germany
his church plant is about 5-6 years old
they have around 30-40 regular attendees
(50 at Christmastime!)
but they are still struggling a bit

that's where we come in!

we spent a lot of time with Rolf,
probably the majority of our freetime..
it was great, speaking german, walking, talking, praying.

 he shared the needs of his church
and we stood there in awe thinking
"is he referring to us?!"
because seriously, as he spoke,
 it was like he was describing us!

so blah blah blah, after lots of prayer and details...
we are now planning a six week vision tour to Lippstadt
the hope is that Aaron will become their Assistant Pastor/youth leader
and I would help in the women's ministry and children's ministry.
it's so amazing because the Lord has already worked out so many details!
we know we are eligible to receive german health insurance,
which we couldn't get last time around.
our flights have been purchased graciously by our home church here!
and Rolf may just have found us an apartment, right above the church
in the center of town!

so, on our "vision tour" we are praying to receive visas, with the option to work,
to secure an apartment
to make good connections with the church in Lippstadt
and to make sure this is the will of God.

this is our Macedonian call...
the one Aaron prayed for.

[read acts 16]

our asia, was Hamburg
our Mysia, was L.A.
and our Macedonia is Lippstadt.
God is so good. 
and He knows exactly where He wants us!

as a prerequisite to acquiring visas we must show proof that we will have regular contributions
because we are legally forbidden to work/earn any money for our first year.
right now our monthly expenses are estimated to be about $1000/month for our whole family;
we have faith that God will provide for our every need.
anyone wishing to help meet this goal can give to:
Calvary Nexus along with, Aaron or Amy Snyder in the memo of check. 

thanks for reading, we are so grateful for you all...
the snyders

stayed tuned for posts on:
Lippstadt- the city// the people// the purpose

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"If God wills the evangelization of the world, and you refuse to support missions, then you are opposed to the will of God."
- Oswald J. Smith


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  1. I heard the story of your meeting Pastor Rolf a few times now but I still get goosebumps reading this. God is so awesome! Really looking forward to meeting you all next year! Best wishes, Sandra from CCLP

  2. Snyder! That's very exciting:) We love you guys and Antioch will be praying for you. Come see us in Denver sometime soon?
