the days were long, but the year flew by

Friday, December 14, 2012

You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand.

 My entire lifetime is just a moment to you;
Each man's life is but a breath.

Psalm 39:5

Wow, it's already December the 14th
the day the Lord blessed us with sweet baby P.
This is will always be a special day for us.
Peyti is such a smart, smiley, funny, talkative,
compassionate, independent, and loving baby. 

her favorite things to do lately are:
taking roxy, the family boxer on walks 
playing with other babies/kids
blowing kisses
saying "dog"- all things wonderful are dogs
giving "love" (hugs/kisses"
trying mommy and daddy's food
playing hide and go seek
playing chase
being mischievous
getting into shoes and books

some special memories from her first year of life:

when she was 5-6 months old she began saying "mama"
and "dada" and she would chase me around the house crawling
and saying "maaama!"  "mama!" 

when she first learned to wave she would wave at every person we saw..
even non people...
recently she's been waving to mannequins with no reply...

she now does her "all done" baby sign,
with one hand twisting, one opening and closing
and she also does it when she is tired/ 
wants free from stroller/
or is just "done" with something

one time, in the church nursery
another baby was very sad and upset 
and i was told that peyti was so concerned for her
and she'd go to the other baby and pat her, to comfort her

when aaron first returned to work,
he came home, and went to the shower right away
and peyti crawled after him, sat at the bathroom door
and cried hitting the door saying "dada"
she was only about 6-7 months old

i could go on, but i won't.
as someone once told me,

"the days are long, but the years fly by"

i have enjoyed this past year so much.
i can't imagine missing out on all of peyti's special moments
i'm thankful to God for every laugh, smile, 
cuddle, the time spent nursing her, 
cold, fussy day, challenge, frustration
for all that these moments, i wouldn't trade any of it
and i'm so glad for the blessing  of being at home 
with my baby girl peyti.. 

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